FUNDRAISER EVENT for the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund
WHERE: The Anchor Restaurant
2524 E Florida Ave.
Hemet, California 92544
WHEN: August 10th Friday night 5-9PM
Dinner, Music, Silent Auction & Raffle
Tickets $25 per person (cutoff date to buy tickets is August 7, 2012)

Aloha, Kenny, my name is Janna Livesay Hoehn, my cousin, Ron Harvey's wife, Barbara, just called and asked me to explain the fundraiser to you.

I got involved with the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund about a year ago. They started a campaign the "Call for Photos" with the goal to put a face with every name on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall.

VVMF Website....
If you know of anyone that may have photos of any other Fallen Soldiers from the Vietnam War, it would be greatly appreciated to get a photo of them. I will help submit to Washington DC. Thank you Aloha Janna Livesay Hoehn.
I live on Maui and the founder and President of The Wall asked me if I could help him find some of the Maui Fallen. We had 42 boys killed in Vietnam, so I started my search for the Maui Boys... six months later I had photos of all 42 of our heroes! I submitted them to Washington DC where they are awaiting their new home in "The Education Center".
Ground-breaking takes place in November of this year (2012) Veterans Day and the 30th Anniversary of the WALL. Built by the same people who built the Wall.
Once I had all the photos for Maui, I took the project a step further and made a beautiful display and started taking around Maui, Churches, libraries, schools and clubs raising funds in honor of our Maui Boys to help build the Education Center.
The VVMF has asked all states to contribute $1,000 per soldier, so I am trying to raise $42,000 here... to date I have raised $22,000... I happened to have had a fundraiser last month, dinner/music/silent auction/raffle which brought in $16,000. It was an amazing night! A lot of Vietnam Vets attended... quite emotional as many of them had never been thanked or welcomed home.
Once I got done finding Maui's photos, I started on Hemet/San Jacinto (my hometown). I have four of the photos, however I'm still looking for two more.
The Press Enterprise is working on a story right now, hopefully it will be out by Wednesday of next week. They are sending a photographer to my house on Monday.
I am coming to Hemet in a couple of weeks and decided to do a fundrasier for the Hemet/San Jacinto Boys... I didn't have a lot of time, but really wanted to do this. I was born, raised, graduated high school and owned a business in Hemet for many years, Hemet is still my "home" I left my heart there and visit often.
We are hoping to sell at least 150 tickets and can sell 200. I think we are about at 100 right now. I have several of my high school alumni helping me. We have some great silent auction items, the community has been very generous.
Here is the Maui "Lahaina News" article: "Persistent, inspiring Janna finds the 42".
If you have any further questions I would be happy to answer them for you. Thank you for your interest in honoring Joseph Pink.
JOSEPH PATRICK PINK is honored on Panel 28E, Row 56 of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.
Date of Birth: 10/17/1947
Date of Casualty: 10/23/1967
Home of Record: SAN JACINTO
County of Record: RIVERSIDE
State: CA
Branch of Service: ARMY
Rank: SP4
Casualty Country: SOUTH VIETNAM
Casualty Province: QUANG TIN
We will be honoring the Fallen as well as the living Vietnam Vets, a welcome home for them. If you are able to help us by getting the word out, it would be great... thank you.
Aloha Janna Livesay Hoehn
OCEANSIDE, CA — In April of 2004, a replica known as the Vietnam Wall Experience was on display in Oceanside. The wall is a three-quarter-size replica of the 10-foot tall, 493-foot-long black granite monument in Washington, D.C.: MORE INFORMATION.
