FIRST MAN ON THE MOON, Apollo 11, 1969
Webmaster's note: My grandmother (born in 1892) said with amazement she lived to see the automobile, the electric light, and the first man on the moon in her lifetime...her great grandchildren, the MTV generation, will certainly identify with the iconic space image MTV used on the moon flag.
“That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." -Neil Armstrong, first human to step on the moon, 1969

Buzz Aldrin's bootprint of one of the first foot steps made by man on the Moon during the Apollo 11 mission. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were the first Earth men to walk on the Moon, July 20, 1969.

CLICK for very high-resolution original MTV image.
ICONIC POP CULTURE — MTV immortalized this famous NASA moon image of Astronaut Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin standing on the Earth moon surface beside the US American flag and Lunar Module "Eagle" space craft.
“I want my MTV" -Dire Straights song lyric.
The British pop group Dire Straits recorded "Money for Nothing" that featured the lyric "I want my MTV" which first appeared on Dire Straights' 1985 album Brothers in Arms and subsequently became an international hit.

CLICK for very high-resolution image.
Apollo 11 NASA astronaut Buzz Aldrin walks on the moon, photo by Neil Armstrong, 1969.

APOLLO 11 official NASA crew portrait, Neil Armstrong (first man to step on the moon), Michael Collins, Buzz Aldrin, likely taken 1969.

APOLLO 11 official NASA mission insignia.
APOLLO 11 Web Portal, Research Links:

WIKIPEDIA has the best Apollo 11 Web portals about the 1969 Apollo Eleven missions, including detailed facts, historical photos, and source credits.

HISTORY AT NASA GOV maintains a large national library of official multimedia content about the Apollo 11 mission, high-resolution NASA pictures of the space rockets, astronauts, moon and 1969 lunar program.
CALIE Space Portal researched and compiled by CALIE webmaster.
