The San Diego Inter-Tribal Singers and Indian drum group performed on stage with the Soaring Eagles — pictured around the drum are Ben Nance, Kim Flying Eagle, Ernie Walton, Frank Gastelum, Roy Cook, Richard Decrane, Leland Red Eagle, Terry Hinsley. For information about how to hire the Native American drum group, please contact Roy Cook.

San Diego Intertribal Singers Are invited and will sing for the Student Sunday, SEPT 28, 08, 'It's Your Life, Live It Safe' Youth Health & Wellness Conference at the Handlery Hotel Resort in Mission Valley, San Diego, CA at 6pm for about an hour or so. Those that can be there will have a good time singing for the event. See you there by 5pm at the latest.

The San Diego Inter-Tribal Singers of San Diego welcomed some new faces to the drum: Frank Gastelum, Yaqui and Terry Hinsley brought in one of his Green River Singers, Steve Begay, Dine. Together with Ben Nance, Richard Decrane and Roy Cook the drum is powered up and sounding sweet. Instructors, parents and the dancers were responsive to the songs brought forth. It is a good night for singing.
San Diego Intertribal Singers will continue to meet September 10-November 19, 08 at 6pm on Wednesday at the Indian Education SOARING EAGLE dance classes. The location is the Normal Heights Community Center, 4649 Hawley Blvd. San Diego CA.
We are singing what song the instructors need: Northern and Southern Plains Powwow. The powwow experience often echoes these traditional Tribal qualities: Respect, Generosity, Truth, and Courage.
Canada, Alaska, Lower 48 and Middle America are traditionally Indian Land with thousands of Indian people. When we come to the drum with a good heart and true humility our path will be wonderful. This understanding, fellowship and intertribal appreciation are an added benefit of coming to the drum
For the past year The San Diego Inter-tribal Singers have been singing at the Wednesday culture night for the San Diego Unified School District Title VII Indian Education program. We are invited to sing for their SOARING EAGLES Summer and Fall pow-wow dance and regalia program.
We extend an invitation to all singers, Northern and Southern to feel welcome at the San Diego Inter-tribal drum. We will have a good time and help our Indian community too.
The San Diego Inter-tribal singers are composed of new, lead and head singers: Terry Hinsley, Ben Nance, Richard Decrane, Roy Cook and others.
We welcome any new faces to the drum. Appropriate songs are sung for the benefit of the dancers and the requests of the dance instructors. It is a very nice experience to be at the drum again for the benefit of our American Indian children.
The powwow experience often echoes these traditional Tribal values: Respect, Generosity, Truth, and Courage.
Grass dace, shawl dance, round dance, crow hop, northern traditional dance, women traditional southern and northern, jingle dance, more round dance and fun specialty songs are sung for the entertainment and instruction of the Soaring Eagles Dance Class dancers.
Some of the dancers are shy and reluctant but by the ending of the song, many Indian children and parents are dancing. Participation is the true measure of success. Everyone knows it is not easy but it is worth doing well and the satisfaction is in the achievement.
Canada, Alaska, Lower 48 and Middle America are traditionally Indian Land with hundreds of thousands of Indian people. When we come to the drum with a good heart and true humility our path on the Red Road will be wonderful. This understanding, fellowship and intertribal respectful appreciation are an added benefit of coming to the drum
Finally, It is with great appreciation that we, at the drum, acknowledge all the organizations the have provided this opportunity to contribute to the Tribal cultural experience of our Indian children.
Mehan, Ah ho, Thank you. Roy Cook, San Diego Inter-tribal singers drum keeper.

Frank Gastelum, Yaqui grass dancer portrait pictured leading the 40 or so Soaring Eagles Dancers at the start of a downtown San Diego parade.

SAN DIEGO INDIANS: SCAIR Soaring Eagles arrived at Ninth & J Street and danced for the parade judges, announcers and large crowds of spectators in front of Petco's Park at the Park.

Pictured in Native-style regalia: Ernie Walton, The San Diego Inter-Tribal Singers.

Richard Decrane (Crow-Navajo), poses for a San Diego family photo with his young son, Thomas, in their father and son matching tribal regalia.

Leland Red Eagle (Lakota) (left) and his partner, Terry Hensley (Shawnee), provided pow-wow style drum and vocals from the bed of the Soaring Eagles parade float (back of pickup truck).

Roy Cook pictured June 26, 2008, Seaworld-TANF event.
CONTACT ROY COOK for information about how to hire the San Diego Intertribal Singers.
ROY COOK has extensive news and feature articles published on his ROYCOOK INDIAN NEWS ARTICLES BLOG.
READ Roy Cook's Professional Biography,
Opata-Oodham, Mazopiye Wishasha: Writer, Singer, Speaker
mazopiye wichasha
