by Roy Cook, Opata-Oodham, Mazopiye Wishasha: Writer, Singer, Speaker
There is a good participation of organizations for the starting time of 11:30 am. The overcast skies and morning fog was burning off on Claremont mesa at the Clairmont Community Center, 4731 Clairmont Drive.

Pierre Romero opened the meeting and called upon San Diego City schools Indian Education program, Vickie Gambala, Cherokee, to offer the blessing for the day.
This day the Council has invited the new President of Grossmont College Dr. Sunita Cooke, to speak at this monthly meeting of the Council. Before our guest speaker is called upon there is a quick introduction of organizations by their representatives.

As this began the informal lunch is presented. The ever popular, student fare is pizza and soda pop for all to enjoy.
Dr. Cooke is escorted and introduced by Tom Gamboa, GCC instructor. Dr. Cooke announced she was pleased to be invited to the meeting, she gave a brief introduction of her background, she was born in Lucknow India in 1963.
Her family immigrated to the United States when she was five years old and lived her childhood growing up in New York City.
She comes from a family of service professionals, including teachers, ministers, nurses and physicians. She acknowledged the support for the Indian Studies program and Tom’s achievements. She then opened up the discussion for questions from the floor.
Topics included: Tribal recognition, Federal tribal recognition, special circumstances that apply to the Indian Student population attending Grossmont College. Many lively viewpoints were voiced and examined.
In the image above, Vickie is at the center with the black blouse. She is seated next to Eileen George, Mississippi Choctaw in the red blouse on Vickie’s right. To her right is Carlos Pelayo, Yaqui, San Diego Labor council in the gray shirt. On the far right is Ms Perce Hooper, from the Tribal TANF program based on the Pala reservation.
Unseen is Roy Cook representing American Indian Warriors, AIWA and the Southern California American Indian Resource Center, SCAIR.

In the meditative image above, from the left with (Not pictured.) Juan Castellanos, Indian Human Resource Center Director. Robin Wilson, UCSD intern and student in the blue shirt. Someone. A Peace and Dignity project runner and run organizer, Joe Lara.
A representative from the Bridge training program at Imperial Beach. Grossmont College President Dr. Sunita Cooke, Tom Gamboa, Choctaw, GCC instructor. In the background with the white shirt and tie is Presto Chipps, Faculty Advisor for the NASA student club at San Diego State University.
Following the excellent presentation there is a final round robin of announcements of upcoming San Diego regional events:
Juan Castallanos distributed flyers of the Cultural Days Powwow on May 10 & 1, 2008 at Balboa Park. A discussion was held and a motion and voted to have Juan to look into ordering and purchasing T-shirts, on NATIVE VOTING, to be sold for the council. Juan also distributed flyers of the IHRC programs.
Eileen George distributed information on the Cherokee Nation Sovereignty issue, Eileen provided the phone number and who to contact.
Pierro Romero invited the council to a ground-breaking ceremony regarding Tecolote canyon, on May 2, 2008. A flyer will follow and e-mail.
Vickie Gambala distributes the flyers on the upcoming SCAIR Learning Center-San Diego, 4265 Fairmont Ave. Suite 160, OPEN HOUSE Celebration, on April 9, 2008 from 11 am to 2 pm. She gave an up dated report on the Title VII Indian Education including the upcoming grant for the program.
She went on to report on the SCAIR Center and the AIR program tutorial services will be provided to the students. She also reported on her involvement with the SCAIR, STCA Urban TANF program and the Southern Tribal Chairmen Associations continuing support for: the Indian Education Program, this councils activities and the San Diego Indian community events.
Lastly, Vickie distributed a Needs Assessment for the SDUSD Indian Education Program.
Robin Wilson, UCSD, distributes flyers on the upcoming Cesar Chavez events at UCSD.
Tom Gamboa distributed flyers on the new classes at Grossmont College and the Grossmont College American Indian Student Scholarship Application.
Representatives of the bridge distributed their information.
Representatives of the Peace & Dignity gave a report on the up coming run that will be in the San Diego area starting in July and a poster was distributed.
Margaret Field, Indian Studies Chairperson, reported on a new SDSU Resource Grant on the Kumeyaay Language.
Finally these announcements brought the meeting to a full and complete end at 1:45 pm. Maybe we will see you at the next months Council of American Indian Organizations of San Diego County meeting.
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