TONKAWA San Diego Elders Club
by Roy Cook, Opata-Oodham, Mazopiye Wishasha: Writer, Singer, Speaker
July 12, 2009 TONKAWA minutes:

Early arrivals, this hot summer day is: TONKAWA Vice President Jerry Starnes and Rita Hochveet. Followed closely by Nellie Ruiz and El Bissara. Also in attendance are Helen Halling and TON KAWA Treasurer Jean Vigenault and her Mother. Genevieve Bordeaux. More members kept dropping in to enjoy the air-conditioned comfort of the Many Nations, Chet Hunt Community room, facility.
Meeting called to order by TONKAWA Secretary Roy Cook at 11:30. We had a respectable number of members and guests in attendance this Sunday. Nellie Ruiz brought in gifts and ‘bad news’ on Violet Tunohon being sick and Jane Dumas. There was quite a bit of reminiscing about past TONKAWA members and the Pechanga Pow wow. TONKAWA member Elizabeth Strangfeld provided the luncheon blessing at noon.
This is great summer fare for a fine table of friends. We did ourselves proud with 15 bean and Italian sausage soup, Lasagna, macaroni and cheese, peas and corn, Cole slaw, raw vegetables with French onion and guacamole dip, celery sticks, jalapeno bread and butter, ‘dump’ pudding, red Jell-O and a diabetic special donut selection. Our terrific TONKAWA members continue to keep happy smiles and real good eats in this monthly potluck meal.
Thank you all for the July birthday song and thoughtful gifts!Tonkawa discussion items:
1. We realize the impact of canceling meeting therefore we will continue to have the TONKAWA meetings on the regular schedule, the second Sunday of the month. Next meeting: noon, August 9, 2009.
2. TONKAWA will host members and guests’ special luncheon at the University Ave Home Town Buffet on Thursday, August 13, 09, from 1-3pm (Rib night will start at 3:30pm). Final directions and maybe tickets will be announced at the August 9, 09 meeting.
3. IHRC will host a picnic August 9, 2009 celebrating their 30th year of service. The location will be Kiosk #3 at Admiral Baker Field; they will be honoring the founder and first Executive Director Randy Edmonds. They would appreciate support and contributions from the TONKAWA Elders.
4. Soaring Eagles will conduct another Mini-Swap meet on Saturday July 25, 09 from 8am to 2pm. This will be held at the IHRC facility, 4225 Fairmont ST. San Diego, CA 92105. Donations are appreciated and can be dropped off starting Thursday July 23, 09. All proceeds will benefit the Soaring Eagles dance workshop. For more information call: 619-281-5964.
We cleaned up, packed up and while some TONKAWA members were still talking and laughing, others went out the door by 1:15 pm.
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