THE THREE AUKAS: Ben Nance, Jon Meza Cuero-Lead singer and Roy Cook sing traditional Tipai Wildcat songs from San Diego County, California.
Auka is a Tipai term for greeting, much as hello. It is also analogous to the break of day and thus enlightenment. Jon has often said, “One of my goals with these songs is to plant these songs like seeds and bring the brightness of the culture to the children.” May you all have a shining day.
Nyemii, Wildcat, Gato California Tribal Song Presentations
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Santa Ysabel Ball Field
Tel: 619.920.3154 or 760.765.1106 x102
by Roy Cook,
Opata-Oodham, Mazopiye Wishasha: Writer, Singer, Speaker
Our teacher, JON MEZA CUERO has been invited to sing at the Santa Ysabel Traditional Gathering on Saturday August 2, 2008. The festivities will begin at noon and continue into the evening.
Jon invites all Nyemii singers to attend and support this Traditional Tribal event:
The host Tribe will provide food and shade. There are activities for all age groups and a fun time is sure to be had by all who attend. Ah woo mah!
Jon Meza Cuero is the only Native Kumeyaay speaker in California keeping the traditional Wildcat song cycle alive. He is the song leader of the Three Aukas and a Championship singer in Baja California. He also teaches youth in the language and songs of the Kumeyaay. He sings regularly at Tipai community social and traditional events.
Jon Cuero is a lead singer of Nyemii and has extensive experience with many of the other styles of Tipai song. Through his life experience and by circumstance and politics, he is a participant observer of the dynamics at work defining traditional song style in the Kumeyaay, Ipai, Tipai and extended Baja territory.
Recently, Jon Meza Cuero, Tipai Master teacher and song leader, was sitting in the shade talking with other members of the Three Auka singers. We were talking about songs and stories about songs. Jon has often told us of earlier times and a journey North and East from one tribal community to the next. This song journey was taken and composed Jon’s ancestors: Alfonso Meza Jon’s father and his uncle Bennito Carranza and also by a traditional and well-known Tribal singer of songs: Amaay Ta Qwas, Pinta el Cielo Amarillo or Yellow Sky, in English. Yellow Sky composed these two songs that begin at San Jose de Tecate. First, as he was looking toward the route ahead he was inspired to compose a song to begin his journey. (Heh mat sah kudi, heh wah hoo hey a yay). He traveled from village to village-composing songs describing the locations. Inspirations were from sights seen and emotions experienced.
As a teacher and song composer, Jon strongly emphasizes the need to learn the tune first. He has often said, "First the song, then the words, and then what the words mean." We feel he offers his instruction in a traditional manner and often speaks to us from the heart in a traditional way.
'Echaayaaw Nyemii
Auka Hemuk, Tres, Three
Jon Meza Cuero es el único nativo Kumeyaay en California que mantiene el ciclo Gato tradicional de la canción vivo. Él es el líder de la canción de los Tres Aukas y cantante del campeonato en Baja California. Él también enseña la juventud en la lengua y las canciones del Kumeyaay. Él canta regularmente en los acontecimientos sociales y tradicionales de la comunidad de Tipai.
For more information about how to hire and book Jon Meza and other California Indian birdsingers and bird dancer to perform at cultural events, please CONTACT ROY COOK.
Visit AMERICAN INDIAN SOURCE web site for more information.
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