by Roy Cook, Opata-Oodham, Mazopiye Wishasha: Writer, Singer, Speaker
End of Summer meeting: August 22, 2008
There is quite a bit of exciting activity in the works for this coming fall season. This meeting of the council gathered representatives and organizers of: political advocacy, education, Tribal culture and social Holiday Dinners.
Chairperson, Pierre Romero opened the meeting at 11:55 and called for the blessing from Roy Cook.
Introductions followed: Roy Cook, SCAIR contract writer, Abel Silvas Ahachemen advocate on issue regarding the San Juan Capistrano Mission and SJC city council, Bob Highfill on the dis-enrollment issue, Nonnie Robbins on the Reservation science and geology program, Ronnie Murphy AIWA event coordinator and Color guard, Lucille Park UCSD representing Robin Wilson and the La Jolla grave site issue, Naomi Lake SDAI health center, Pierre Romero Mesa College Nov. Native American Days, Christy Garcia AIR program summer, tutoring program and banquet, Joaquin Sandoval Student HIV awareness conference 9/28/08, Carlos Pelayo Peace and Dignity Run update, Paula Brim and Vickie Gambala also had very good news.
1. Abel Silvas Ahachemen advocate on issue regarding the San Juan Capistrano Mission and SJC city council also the SD mission had applied for a permit to erect a structure over recognized gravesites on April; 2008. He also had a book on early San Diego Cemetery and news on the sites at Matt La Jolla and Spindrift.
2. Joaquin Sandoval had a detailed schedule of events and speakers confirmed for the Student HIV awareness conference at the Handery hotel on 9/28/08.
3. Naomi Lake SDAI health center updated the summer camp and the role she would fulfill at the Student Conf: Cherokee Pipe ceremony.
4. Bob Highfill questioned why there was not any notice or information available on the local game of Peon. He also distributed details of the dis-enrollment issue in a handout.
5. Carlos Pelayo Peace and Dignity Run update on the Baja CA Tecate to the Cocopah route and presented items for purchase in support of the activity.
6. Paula Brim distributed information on the Joe and Vi Jacobs center at 404 Euclid Ave. and Market St. as a likely location for future Holiday Dinner activates.
7. Vickie Gambala was very enthusiastic over the success of the Soaring Eagles summer dance classes and future Soaring Eagles fall program. She had many colored posters and news of the Jump Start back to school night to be held in the same location as the dance classes: Normal Heights community center 4649 Hawley Blvd. SD, CA 92116.
Respectfully submitted, Roy Cook: writer.
Next Meeting: Fourth Friday, 11:30 am to 1:00 pm at City of San Diego Clairemont Community Center 4731 Clairemont Drive San Diego CA 91117
The American Indian Council's purpose is to gather for round table updates and discussions on our programs, projects and events. Our goals are:
1. To maintain consistent and effective networking meetings in order to improve communication and strengthen mutual support for the benefit and empowerment of the Native American community.
2. The Council also serves as a unified advocate voice for community issues requiring our intervention.
Meetings are held the fourth Friday of the month except for November and December when the Council sponsors the Community Holiday Dinners.
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