And show your support for American Indian education by Liking, Commenting and Sharing our tribal Facebook pages -- so we know what areas to focus on -- if you aren't a Facebook member, please use our CONTACT US to give our CEO, Ernie Salgado, your feedback and suggestions for improving these tribal community resources.
Our Facebook pages were established in September of 2012 by the founding webmaster.
UPDATE 2022:
Facebook deleted all 12 of our highly-popular Facebook accounts when they changed their rules years after we legitimately created them -- this happened just prior to when they changed their name to Meta.
They called them "gray" accounts...and the Webmaster was unable to switch them over for some reason despite having the correct log-in credentials -- Facebook blocked our access to ADMIN our accounts and our accounts disappeared along with our many thousands of followers.
You can still view our original content on our websites -- just click on the links at the end of each section below.

 META/FACEBOOK: "California Indian Education"
We are dedicated to the advancement of our people through education and the preservation of our Tribal Traditions, Values, Customs, and the Spiritual well-being of our Families — CALIE WEBSITE.

META/FACEBOOK: "Famous Indian Chiefs"
Our "Top 10" Famous Native American Chiefs portal is not about our attempting to rate the Great Tribal Leaders of recorded history, but it is about beginning a study guide to introduce young Native American Indian students to a few of their nations' most famous leaders and warriors who have left their mark on the history of our great lands — FAMOUS INDIAN CHIEFS & LEADERS STUDY GUIDE.

META/FACEBOOK: "Native American Veterans"
CALIE HONORS OUR INDIAN WARRIORS — Includes a modern Web portal for Native American military veterans and their families, including medical and disability benefits, family services, Native American Medal of Honor recipients, historical articles — INDIGENOUS WARRIORS STUDY GUIDE.

META/FACEBOOK: "Famous Indian Athletes"
CALIE CHEERS FOR NATIVE AMERICAN INDIAN ATHLETES, SPORTS LEGENDS — Includes a modern Web portal of famous athlete personality profiles, biographies, and sports statistists for historical research and inspiration — NATIVE AMERICAN SPORTS HEROS STUDY GUIDE.

META/FACEBOOK: "California Tribal Community"
Includes extensive Community Leader Profiles, professional biographies, California Indian Obituaries, Social Services, Tribal TANF resources, Employment, Job Training and much more — SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA INDIAN COMMUNITY.

FACEBOOK: "California Tribal Events"
Post your event notices on our community events Facebook page, check our current and event archives for family-oriented tribal events in Southern California — SO CAL INDIAN EVENTS BOARD.

FACEBOOK: "Mission Indian Federation"
Between 1919 and 1965, the Mission Indian Federation (MIF) was Southern California's most popular grass-roots political organization. Their purpose was to end Mission Indian Agency abuse and paternalism and bring equal rights, justice, and "home rule" for Southern California Indians.
Ernie Salgado is currently seeking funding for a Mission Indian Federation film documentary — MISION INDIAN STUDY GUIDE.

FACEBOOK: "Outer Space Portal"
Here in the 21st century we have stunning photographic and computer enhanced digital imagery and missions in outer space that our ancestors could have barely imagined....
CALIE's Science Lab is dedicated to outer space, and includes the best multimedia high resolution NASA images, videos and games exploring the historical Apollo moon landings, International Space Station, Hubbel space telescope, Native Americans in outer space — SPACE SCIENCE LABORATORY.

FACEBOOK: "Kumeyaay Information Village"
The primary goal of KUMEYAAY.INFO is to welcome visitors and Native peoples of all tribal nations and provide a casual village environment to share and network their culturally-relevant creative work, information and opinions.
To re-source the internet's very best culturally-related works into a fresh interactive cyber web network of hyper-linked information and collective endeavors.
To encourage and excite the creative and cultural spirits of all Native American peoples, and to offer them a cyber resource (and the technical assistance) to publish their original and collaborative work on — KUMEYAAY.

FACEBOOK: "Tribal Sovereignty"
LEGAL BASIS: Presently, the Constitution of the United States, U.S. Supreme Court, state and federal laws — as well as historical Treaties with the U.S. federal government — all support the federally-recognized Native American tribes' present-day legal rights to self-governance and certain limited forms of national sovereignty — AMERICAN TRIBAL SOVEREIGNTY RESEARCH PORTAL.

FACEBOOK: "Baja Tribes"
MULTIMEDIA: Professional photojournalism documenting five Indian communities of Baja California Norte, Mexico — AMERICAN INDIAN TRIBAL DOCUMENTARIES

FACEBOOK: "Indian Casinos"
One-stop source for all the Indian Casinos in and near San Diego, features an interactive casino map locater — SAN DIEGO CASINOS.
This resource is being developed by Ernie Salgado, Jr. (Soboba tribal member).
Professional Facebook cover designs & presentation "Made in America" by G. BALLARD. |